feast. It was the most people I have ever seen on the Old Naledi
property. God was shining his love today and we all were loved. It was
a proud day and we all worked hard feeding the community the feast
after the service. We just got back to the hotel and the shower never
felt better. Clay gave a great message and we had a member of
parliament as our guest of honor. There were staff and members from
Open Baptist and other churches.
We also got to see Moruti James' new grandson born last week to
Matadha and DJ. Beautiful baby boy named Loape. I can't hardly
describe the feelings of community we felt today. We should have some
video and great pictures when we return. The most incredible moment
was watching all the children and church members dance in celebration,
it was pure and amazing joy!!!
Tomorrow we are taking a 2 hour trip to a game park. It will be a day
of recreation and download. We start the construction work on Tuesday.
Time for sleep and rest now.
We are all tired and exhausted; but, we are all smiling! God is good.
Know you are loved and missed!
P.S. Clay and Jason drove today on all the table and chair runs. Glad
I left my license at home. It's hard enough to drive on the left;but,
shifting with the left is just too much change at one time- especially
with others in the truck too:-)
via iPhone
Enjoy the day and take lots of pix!
Keep up the good work! We are all praying for you.