Tuesday, September 15, 2009
He states their prayer service will focus on Nehemiah 1:5-11. Be sure to continue praying for Old Naledi and Botswana every Tuesday around 11am EDT. God is Good!
Kealeboga (Thank you!)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Back Home
Friday, September 4, 2009
Last day in Old Naledi
week and look forward to sharing the vision! Please pray for safe and
comfortable travel! See you soon.
Clay, Scott, Joel, Nancy, Jason and Mareko
New book shelves
children's books thanks to our vacation bible school kids!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
building there; but, no current pastor. The last young pastor failed
morally and the church planters now face major obstacles on finding a
replacement suitable for the situation he created. Please pray for
Gakuto (pronounced "Ha Koo Toe"). We also visited the chief of the
village and his family for prayer and consultation. The chief's
mother is a christian and shared her testimony with us. We then went
to the primary school to visit the head master and to pray over the
school. The church must have a presence there in Gakuto because many
folks from Gaborone are moving out there and they expect the village
to grow 10x in the next ten years. We can't get behind there because
the vaccum will be filed by another force if not the church. Prayer is
We also went out to some other remote rural churches, including one
started by David Livingstone and the London Missionary Society in
1907. That was a true inspiration and a major piece of Christian
hertitage. We prayed for a terminally ill man and his family- 11
people packed into the hut to pray for him.
We joined back up with the group in Old Naledi for the youth service
(young adults). Joel and Jason gave their testimonies and Pastor Clay
even preached from the floor for illustrative purposes, they got a
kick out of that!
We ended the night at a Brazillain steakhouse, it was an embarrassment
of riches compared to the feeding station.
Tomorrow is our last full day. We are procuring shelves and desks for
the library and going to a bookstore to place book orders for the
children's library. We hope to have the wiring complete for the church
tomorrow if all goes as promised.
Clay and Mark got authentic cowbells in the village of Molepolelei
today. It reminds us of hearing the cow herds in the Khalahari on
I will have incredible photos from today online once we get home. Know
you are missed! We send our Love. Goodnight from Gaborone.
via iPhone